On Saturday I was reminded afresh how powerful it is when we create in community. And, what a wonderful pairing SoulCollage® and Found poetry can be.
We had started in advance! Before meeting we had each remembered and contributed a special poem that had offered us sustenence. Then, soon after gathering, we read those words aloud to each other, giving each our deep listening, and paying attention to the moments and phrases that really impacted us in our bodies - through our felt sense. Whether that sensing came through a gut feeling, a visceral reaction, a heart opening, a strong emotion, or a spark of inspiration....the recognition was that that impact was where that poem met ME!
So we marked the original poems and found our new poems, from the words that found each of us! We snipped those words out from the pages and assembled them afresh! So what you are seeing here, are not only gorgeous new hybrid poems, each one is a viscerally felt soul prescription for the person that made it!
From then we went on to allow these new poems to inspire SoulCollage® cards, and then for those cards to speak from their place of witness. As you can imagine, their words were powerful and came from deep places. Those we kept close.
There are deep conversations that a process like this makes possible. Two of our group, a mother and daughter,were new to SoulCollage®. Both commented on the quality time they had together that day, creating and going inwards together.
So if you have looked closely, you will now have solved the mystery of where the title of this blog came from! It appeared in another of our poems too, and somehow felt like the perfect headline to share about a process where we allow our intuition to make meaning and be our guide for a while.....
If this is all sounding like something you would like to try, I would love to welcome you to a Soul Shed event soon. On Sunday July 24th 3-6pm GMT I will be offering SoulCollage® and Found Poetry online - you can book a place on the website. And on July 16th and September we will be back at Farnham library again - details to follow soon Also, if you would like to experience SoulCollage® and found poetry with a trusted companion at a time to suit you, I invite you book a private Zoom session - I will send you a pack through the post and we can make it happen! For now, I would simply like to leave you with one last beautiful found poem: